being john malkovich

Being John Malkovich

Directed by Spike Jonze
U.S / 1999 / Narrative
113 minutes / English


Preceded by a special sneak preview of 35 minutes of special footage from INSIDE OUT 2 AT 7PM.

This SPECIAL SCREENING EVENT will also feature exclusive giveaways and photo opportunities!

Tickets for this exclusive opportunity, open only to college students, can be claimed here.

Being John Malkovich

The auspicious feature film debut of both visionary music-video director Jonze and screenwriter Charlie Kaufman is a frazzled fantasy gut-buster, set into motion when puppeteer Craig Schwartz (John Cusack) lands a corporate job at the mysterious “LesterCorp” and stumbles across a portal that leads to the mind of John Malkovich (John Malkovich, naturally), allowing him—and wife Cameron Diaz, and co-worker crush Catherine Keener—to hijack the increasingly disconcerted actor for 15 minutes at a time. “Has ideas enough for half a dozen films, but Jonze and his cast handle them so surely that we never feel hard-pressed; we’re enchanted by one development after the next.”—Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times