

Directed by Hernán Ballard
U.S / 2022 / Documentary
101 minutes

“The only documentary about rowing where there’s almost no rowing, but there is lots of adventure.” -Ellen “Magellan” Falterman
A love story. An adventure. One woman, a rowboat, and a dream to become the first person to row around the world. Solo. “The Launch” is a 101-minute documentary about Ellen “Magellan” Falterman, an adventurer from Tarkington, Texas. After years of breaking records on the Missouri river, Ellen has begun her biggest expedition yet: an attempt to circumnavigate the planet entirely on an ocean rowboat. The film documents her previous expeditions, the life events that led up to the genesis of the circumnavigation, and the relentless spirit of a woman behind it all.

To buy tickets to the May 18th screening at the Hi-Pointe Theatre or to donate to any of the following screenings on our 2023 film tour, click the BUY TICKETS button. “The Launch” is made possible entirely by contributions from generous people like you.

Subject Falterman, director Ballard, and a very special rowboat will attend.

For more information about Ellen Magellan, visit her website at:

For more information about Hernán Ballard, visit his website at:

For more information about the film, visit the website at: