This evening of seven shorts — all with a musical component — is capped by a performance by the Opera Bell Band, whose whimsical stop-motion-animated film “Green Lemon Buggy” is featured in the program. The Riverfront Times, which says the group “aims to make every show a surreal circus experience,” writes: “The Opera Bell Band likes to inject equal parts whiz-bang silliness and running-gag callbacks in its set. (Band member Shane) Devine and his multi-instrumentalist bandmates — Jess Adkins, Jake Everett, Kristina DeYong and Grant Martin — look more like a raggedy vaudevillian troupe than a band, and its charmingly antiquated folk songs seem to come from some imagined past, populated by jazzy 7th chords, twinkly xylophones and seemingly nonsensical lyrics about produce.”
140 minutes