Witness the devastating disruption of schooling through the eyes of an unforgettable family. Tyra Johnson is a devoted and determined mother fighting to maintain her children's education in one of the country's most poverty-stricken ZIP codes, which was hard hit by the Covid-19 pandemic.
This intimate portrait of an aging New York City ticket scalper navigating his way through the Covid-19 pandemic explores income inequality, incarceration, and poverty in America.
The Blessing
Unable to attend her mother's wedding in China due to the pandemic, a Chinese international student struggles to make a video to send her blessing.
The Panola Project
A study of the heroic efforts of Dorothy Oliver to keep her small town of Panola, Ala., safe from Covid-19, the film chronicles how an often-overlooked rural Black community came together in creative ways to survive.
Amid an unprecedented pandemic, teenagers faced a staggering rise in mental-health issues and a precarious, uncertain future. This uplifting documentary provides surprising insights into the creative coping mechanisms of three socioeconomically and racially disparate teens during this period of isolation.